Help find better treatments for progressive MS.

MS is a devastating condition that can affect every aspect of a person’s life – from our little pleasures through to our mobility and quality of life. Across the country we are seeing the threat of MS growing by the year. In the past five years alone, the number of Australians living with MS has increased by 30%.

Your generous donation can help us continue to fund vital research, services and help give back what MS takes away.

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Your generous gift can help research rise to a new level, and lift lives along with it.

Can grow MS cells in a lab to undertake research into the cause and treatment of MS.
Can cover the hourly rate of a dedicated research assistant.
Your donation will help both people living with MS to live better lives, and the research to accelerate towards new MS solutions and ultimately a cure.

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Donations over $2 are tax deductible.

Your donation to MS Plus is absolutely secure and will be well spent. Your donation will go to fund research into MS in Australia. Click to see research projects that donors like you have funded.

Help stop MS from taking even more from people like Amy.

One day, doctors all over Australia will be able to diagnose MS easily, so that patients can start treatment as soon as possible.

One day, it will be easy for a clinician to test the progress of someone’s MS, and quickly assess the effectiveness of their treatment and the progress of their disease.

Your donation here now can fund the MS research that will bring that day forward – and transform lives.

Amy is one of many Australians who especially want to see improved treatments for progressive MS. In the space of a few years, the mother of three girls has lost more and more of her mobility. She used to be able to get around her home with a bit of support – now she is mostly in a wheelchair.

What hurts Amy most is that she is not being the mum she wants to be for her children.

She wants research to hurry up – to find more treatments for MS, quickly.

Please donate generously today to help make that happen. 

How your donations help give back what MS takes away.


Can grow MS cells in a lab to undertake research into the cause and treatment of MS.


Can cover the hourly rate of a dedicated research assistant.


Can cover the cost of 100 Cryotubes to preserve precious blood or DNA samples from people with MS.

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